
Wednesday 14 April 2021

How to Stop Cat Scratching - Possible Solutions

Cat scratching is a natural behavior for cats and due to that, you can’t get kitty to stop scratching by shouting, squirting water, chasing, throwing things etc. Cats need to scratch for several reasons. So the goal is learning that were not going to stop them from scratching so we have to look at providing things for them to scratch that are acceptable to all. It’s a simple matter of redirecting the behavior to an appropriate place.

Many consider having their cat declawed to solve the problem. Declawing should be the very last option. It’s important to know that declawing is a serious surgical procedure. It involves amputating all ten of the frontal tendons and nerves to remove the claws. It is a painful surgery which makes your cat defenseless. As with any surgery there is the possibility for complications.

Declawing makes your cat vulnerable. Because now they cannot defend themselves with the help of their claws. Declawing is a painful operation. It involves the surgical removal of the entire last digit of each toe or amputation comparable to the removal of human fingertips to the first knuckle.

Another option is nail covers. These are like artificial cat nails, which can be applied by you or by your vet’s office. The covers come in many different styles and are applied by a thin layer of special glue to the claw. Also some people cover their furniture with something your cat does not like: double sided tape, some plastic or aluminum foil. Some cats dislike the feeling and sound of foil, and most cats have a strong dislike for things that stick to their fur. If you do something like that then it kind of defeats the purpose for having furniture. I don’t particularly want to sit on aluminum foil for double sided tape myself.

Scratching posts are what most people use and sometimes rubbing a little catnip on it will be just the ticket to get your kitty to start using it instead of your furniture.

It’s also important to keep your cats nails trimmed. Ask your vet to show you how so you don’t cut them to far back and hurt your little friend. The vet can also supply you with decent clippers or most any pet supply store will have good quality clippers for you to use.

As always it comes down to being a responsible pet owner and if you’ll take the time to learn how to work with and train your cat you’ll save a lot of pain and aggravation for both of you.

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