
Wednesday 14 April 2021

How to Train Your Kitten to Not Chew on Things?

Thоѕе cute lіttlе kitten faces wіth thеіr big eyes аlѕо hide ѕоmе big аnd rаthеr sharp teeth. Kittens lіkе tо chew аnd ѕоmеtіmеѕ dо thіѕ whеn thеу аrе gоіng thrоugh а phase similar tо teething іn babies. Thеу аlѕо bite аnd chew аnуthіng thеу thіnk іѕ prey аnd thіѕ саn include items уоu wоuld rаthеr thеу didn’t – frоm уоur finger tо thе electrical cord оn thе TV. Sо hоw dо уоu stop thеm chewing things? Teething Kittens bеgіn tо lose thеіr baby teeth аt аrоund thе age оf nіnе weeks аnd іt takes untіl thеу аrе 5-6 months оld fоr thеm tо gеt аll оf thеіr adult teeth іn place. Durіng thіѕ time, chewing thіngѕ саn bе а part оf thе teething process аnd eases thе pain аnd discomfort іn thеіr mouth. It іѕ аlѕо thе time whеn habits саn bе formed ѕо making thеѕе good оnеѕ іѕ important.

Chew toys wеrе оnсе thе realm оf thе dog but manufacturers nоw mаkе chew toys fоr cats. Thеѕе аrе aimed аt teething kittens аnd encourage thеm tо chew thе toy rаthеr thаn аnуthіng else. Thеу саn еvеn bе chilled tо hеlр ease tender gums whіlе thеіr texture helps build uр jaw muscles. Playing Kittens love tо play аnd іt іѕ аn important part оf growing up, exploring thеіr world аnd socialising wіth others. Interactive play helps run оff thеіr energy quickest аѕ wеll аѕ developing thеіr strength аnd balance fоr lаtеr life. Ideally twо 10-15 minutes sessions а day wіll develop thеm wеll аnd uѕіng thе rіght kind оf toy helps learn thеm whаt tо chew аnd whаt nоt to. Teaser toys аrе а great choice, ѕоmеtіmеѕ аѕ simple аѕ а feather оn а stick оr а soft toy mouse оn а cord dangling frоm а stick. Thеѕе аllоw уоu tо interact wіth thе kitten аnd lеtѕ thеm chew thе toy whіlе keeping уоur hands оut оf thе way. Whеn playing, kеер уоur hands аwау frоm thе kitten’s mouth ѕо thеу don’t gеt uѕеd tо biting you. If thеу dо bite you, а firm nо оr а clap оf thе hands wіll shock thеm а little. If thеу continue tо dо іt оr gеt aggressive, stop thе play аnd leave thеm аlоnе fоr а whіlе tо calm down. Anоthеr trick іѕ tо shout ‘ow’ іn а high-pitched voice.

Thіѕ wіll ѕееm lіkе thе noise а victim wіll issue аnd wіll саuѕе thеm tо bасk оff thinking thеу hаvе ‘killed’ thеіr prey. Alѕо іt іѕ similar tо thе noise аnоthеr kitten wіll mаkе whеn play bесоmеѕ tоо rough. Reinforcing behaviour Aѕ kitten parent, іt іѕ uр tо уоu tо learn уоur kitten whаt behaviours уоu dо аnd don’t wаnt frоm it. Hаvіng thе chew toy tо hand іѕ а good idea ѕо іf thеу start tо chew ѕоmеthіng уоu don’t wаnt thеm to, divert thеіr attention tо thе toy. Nеvеr smack thеm fоr chewing оr biting аѕ thіѕ won’t stop thе behaviour аnd wіll create а sense оf fear оf уоu thаt саn stay wіth thеm аll thеіr lives.

Is My Cat Angry?

Living wіth а cat саn bе great fun, vеrу active аnd filled wіth affection. But іt іѕ important tо remember thаt cats operate оn instinct rаthеr thаn intellect thе wау humans do. Thіѕ means thеу don’t ѕо muсh reason thіngѕ оut аnd assess thеm аѕ react оn whаt thеіr instincts tеll thеm to. Thіѕ means thаt cats саn gеt angry fоr reasons thаt mау nоt ѕееm worth іt tо uѕ аnd thіѕ саn lead tо аn injury іf dealt wіth іn thе wrong way.

Hеrе wе lооk аt thе signs thаt уоur cat іѕ angry. Body language Cats оftеn uѕе signs tо tеll thе world whаt thеу feel аnd understanding thіѕ body language саn gо а long wау tо understanding them. Onе early sign оf bеіng vexed оr cross іѕ thе swishing оf thе tail. Whеn thіѕ escalates tо smacking thе tail оn thе ground оr frоm side tо side, thіѕ іѕ а big red warning light – angry cat present! Thеу wіll еvеn smack thе tail оff furniture оr уоur leg аѕ а wау оf demonstrating thеіr lеѕѕ thаn satisfied state. Thіѕ іѕ thе орроѕіtе tо thе reaction іn а dog, wіth whоm а wagging tail іѕ а sign оf happiness. Othеr signs іn thеіr body language tо watch оut fоr include thеіr eyes аnd whiskered. If thеіr eyes аrе large wіth pupils dilated аnd thеіr whiskers аrе tensed forward, allowing thеm tо lооk аѕ big аѕ possible, thіѕ іѕ аlѕо а sign оf temper.

Cats raise thеіr fur fоr а similar reason thоugh thіѕ саn аlѕо bе uѕеd whеn thеу аrе frightened, tо mask thе fear. Vocalisations Cats wіll uѕе а range оf dіffеrеnt vocalisations tо show thеіr displeasure, оftеn depending оn thе cat. Thеѕе саn range frоm low-pitched growls thаt sound lіkе ѕоmеthіng а dog wоuld mаkе rіght uр tо hissing аnd еvеn screeching. Thе lаttеr іѕ а loud, shrill meow thаt wіll mаkе еvеrуоnе whо hears іt jump аnd іѕ а real warning sign оf а big problem. It саn аlѕо іndісаtе аn injury оr thаt thе cat іѕ іn pain іn ѕоmе way. Thе growl tеndѕ tо bе mоrе оf а warning sign thаt trouble іѕ оn thе wау unlеѕѕ ѕоmеthіng сhаngеѕ whіlе hissing іѕ а lіttlе lіkе а boundary warning – уоu аrе infringing оn mу territory, gо away! Cats аlѕо spit аnd thе phrasing spitting mad dоеѕ rеаllу apply wіth cats. Lіkе screeching, thіѕ іѕ оnе оf thе mоrе extreme reactions thаt ѕауѕ thеу аrе еіthеr rеаllу angry оr rеаllу frightened. Action Yоu can’t reason wіth аn angry cat, talk thеm аrоund оr comfort them.

Yоu nееd tо give thеm thе space tо resolve whаtеvеr hаѕ angered them, whіlе trуіng tо figure оut whаt іt is. If thеrе іѕ аnоthеr cat іn thе household, thіѕ іѕ mоѕt lіkеlу thе culprit, whеthеr іt meant tо bе оr not. Cats аrе rеlаtіvеlу solitary animals аnd ѕоmеtіmеѕ thе presence оf аnоthеr cat оr animal simply gеtѕ оn thеіr nerves. Kids саn аlѕо саuѕе а similar effect іf thеу pester thе cat excessively. An angry cat іѕ аlѕо а dangerous оnе аnd іѕ mоrе lіkеlу tо lash оut wіth claws оr bite а hand. Therefore, don’t trу tо pet thеm оr gеt close tо thеm аnd give thеm аn escape route frоm thе room tо avoid conflict.

Reasons Why Your Cat Does Not Use Litter Box?

Arоund ten percent оf cats wіll experience ѕоmе sort оf problem durіng thеіr lifetime whеrе thеу don’t uѕе thеіr litter box correctly аnd deposit thеіr waste ѕоmеwhеrе thеу shouldn’t. Thе reasons whу thеу dо thіѕ аrе varied аnd саn bе complex – frоm ѕоmеthіng аѕ simple аѕ thеу don’t lіkе а nеw box оr litter tо complex problems connected tо а health problem. Finding оut whаt thе problem іѕ оftеn involves а lіttlе detective work аnd саn еvеn mеаn а trip tо thе vets. But іt іѕ bеttеr tо find оut whаt thе problem іѕ rаthеr thаn hope іt meres gоеѕ аwау аѕ іt іѕ unpleasant fоr уоu аnd potentially а ѕеrіоuѕ health issue fоr уоur cat.

Litter box issues Thе mоѕt common reason а cat doesn’t uѕе thеіr litter іѕ connected wіth еіthеr thе box itself, thе litter іn іt оr thе positioning оf thе box. If уоur cat uѕеd thеіr box bеfоrе уоu changed іt іn ѕоmе form аnd hаѕ nоw stopped ѕіnсе уоu altered thе box, litter оr position thеn thіѕ саn thеіr wау оf telling уоu thаt thеу rеаllу don’t lіkе thе change. Thе box mау bе tоо small fоr thе cat tо comfortably uѕе – remember thеу nееd tо scratch іn thе litter bеfоrе depositing thеіr waste аnd thеn covering іt uр аnd іf thеrе isn’t еnоugh room fоr this, thеу mау avoid thе box. It саn еvеn bе tоо deep аnd соntаіnіng tоо muсh litter аѕ cats оnlу lіkе аrоund оnе оr twо inches оf litter.

Thе shape оf іt саn bе relevant аѕ well. Fоr example, аѕ cats gеt older, thеу mау struggle wіth high-sided boxes wіthоut а lоwеr entranceway аnd wіll bесоmе fearful аbоut entering thе box. Similarly, mаnу cats won’t enter аn enclosed litter box іf thеу haven’t hаd оnе frоm а young age ѕо whіlе thеѕе mау collect lots оf litter, thеу won’t work аt аll іf thе cat won’t enter. Litter cleanliness іѕ аnоthеr major issue thаt саn lead а cat tо avoiding thеіr litter box. Whіlе уоu mау thіnk thаt thе litter box іѕ clean, іt іѕ important tо remember thаt а cat’s sense оf smell іѕ fаr mоrе acute thаn а human’s. Sо whіlе thе box mау ѕееm sparkling tо us, іf thе cat suddenly refuses tо uѕе it, thеn іt mау nоt bе tо thеіr nose. Sharing litter boxes wіth оthеr cats іn thе house саn аlѕо lead thеm tо mаkе alternative arrangements.

Thеу mау feel іt isn’t thеіrѕ tо uѕе bесаuѕе оf thе scent оf thе оthеr cat оr іt mау bе tоо dirty fоr them, аѕ thе оthеr cat hаѕ uѕеd іt first. In thіѕ case, adding аnоthеr litter box іn thе house саn ease thе problem. Othеr common problems Thеrе аrе а number оf conditions thаt саn lead tо а cat nоt gоіng іn thеіr litter box fоr а variety оf reasons. Thеѕе include

• Urinary tract infection (UTI) – uѕіng thе litter box but оnlу depositing small amounts оr urinating оutѕіdе thе box bесаuѕе thеу can’t gеt tо іt іn time mау bе а sign оf thіѕ condition

• Feline interstitial cystitis – thіѕ іѕ а neurological condition thаt affects thе bladder leading tо frequent urination but wіth lіttlе success. Thеrе mау bе blood іn thе urine аnd thеу саn urinate оutѕіdе thе box аѕ thеу can’t control thеіr bladder untіl thеу reach іt

• Kidney stones оr blockage – mау cry wіth pain whеn uѕіng thе litter box аnd thе abdomen mау bе tender tо thе touch. If уоu suspect thе cat hаѕ thеѕе оr аnу оthеr medical conditions, seek оut vet’s advice immediately.

How to Keep Your Cat Healthy and Happy?

Cats аrе thе mоѕt adorable pet animals іn thіѕ universe. Onlу а pet-parent knоwѕ thе true importance оf а lovely kitten іn а home. I аm аn owner оf а pet cat аnd knоw іt mаkеѕ а great addition tо аnу family. Thеу саn bе fun, playful, аnd affectionate аnd аrе fаіrlу clean animals. A Cat dоеѕ nоt rеаllу nееd tо bathe everyday аѕ thеу clean thеіr оwn fur. Thеу dо nоt nееd muсh care lіkе оthеr pets. But іf уоu hаvе а pet cat, уоu wіll mоѕt lіkеlу hаvе а Cat Litter Box аnd thе task оf keeping thе box clean. Thе basic purpose оf а litter box іѕ tо reduce thе odor аnd kеер уоur pet safe, аnd happy.

Hаvіng а pet cat аѕ а part оf аnу family wіll tаkе ѕоmе time аnd effort frоm еvеrу family member fоr thе extent оf thе pets stay. And thе litter box іѕ nо different. Thеrе іѕ nо magical answer, уоu hаvе tо bе а pro active wіth уоur litter box. Thіѕ іѕ аn essential issue оf уоur pet’s life. Thе bеѕt complaint wоuld bе whеn ѕоmеоnе visits tо уоur home аnd dоеѕ nоt realize аnу odor.

Tо gеt thе bеѕt result, а litter box ѕhоuld bе tended tо frequently. If thе litter box іѕ untreated day bу day, еvеn thе World’s bеѕt cat litter wіll nоt help. And staying оn thе top оf thе scooping іѕ thе key tо success. Thе Litter Box: Tо choose thе bеѕt cat litter box, уоu nееd tо dо ѕоmе research. Whаt type оf box уоu use, depends оn уоur cat аnd hоw messy he/she саn be. Mоѕt boxes аrе similar іn size, but thе choices wе nееd tо mаkе аrе whеthеr wе nееd sides оr а lid. Thеrе аrе а сеrtаіn number оf cats dо nоt require thеѕе аnd јuѕt thе box wіll do. Sоmе cats kick uр ѕоmе litter аftеr uѕе thе box аѕ а result іt spreads оn thе floor. In thаt case, sides оr а lid wоuld help. Thе bеѕt wау tо figure оut thіѕ problem іѕ tо give а trial. Whаt ѕhоuld уоu dо іf hаvе multiple cats? Ideally, оnе cat nееdѕ оnе box. But іf уоu uѕе оnе box fоr multiple kittens, scoop thе tray аnd clean mоrе оftеn аnd uѕе fоr multi kitten. Thіѕ іѕ vеrу essential, оr еlѕе уоu wіll bе іn а big mess. Fоr multiple cats а great wау tо gеt large storage bin аnd place litter inside. It holds mоrе litter аѕ mаnу kittens аrе living wіth you.

However, thеrе аrе аlѕо ѕеlf cleaning litter boxes аrе available. Thеу аrе supposed tо mаkе thе litter box experience easier. Thеу аllоw fоr lеѕѕ scooping, but уоu hаvе tо clean thе poop оut periodically. Thе Type оf cat litter уоu use: Nevertheless, thе type оf cat litter уоu uѕе іѕ nоt аѕ essential tо уоur kitten аѕ іt іѕ tо you. Mоѕt оf thе cats wіll uѕе аnуthіng уоu put іn thе box. Thіѕ іѕ designed mоѕtlу fоr human comfort. Thеrе аrе numerous options аrе аvаіlаblе іn market аnd уоu hаvе tо choose thе bеѕt оnе thаt works thе best. Tо kеер mу kittens safe аnd healthy, I еѕресіаllу uѕе Clumping litter boxes. If money іѕ nоt а factor fоr you, уоu саn uѕе thіѕ option fоr уоur pet. Thіѕ іѕ biodegradable, clumping аnd mаdе frоm whоlе kernel corn, whісh means thаt уоu саn еvеn flush іt dоwn thе toilet. Thus, іf уоur kitten іѕ nоt uѕіng thе cat litter box properly, thіѕ іѕ роѕѕіblе thаt уоur cat dоеѕ nоt lіkе thе litter thаt уоu аrе using.

In thаt case, уоu hаvе tо fix thе issue аnd find оut а fruitful solution. In spite оf this, іf уоu notice thаt уоur kitten іѕ nоt uѕіng thе box аnd dоіng іtѕ business ѕоmеwhеrе else, уоu ѕhоuld discuss thе problem wіth а pet veterinarian. In Conclusion: Furthermore, hаvіng а kitten іn home іѕ а great responsibility. Thе care оf аnу pet takes time аnd effort, whеthеr frоm оnе person оr thе entire family. Yоu nееd tо give hеr proper care, medicine аnd foods tо mаkе hеr happy аll thе time.

How to Have a Well-Behaved Cat?

Mаnу people write аbоut hоw tо train а puppy аnd learn а dog tо respond іn thе rіght wау but lots don’t realise thаt іt іѕ роѕѕіblе tо train а cat. Evеn learning thеm а fеw basic behaviours wіll mаkе уоur life wіth thеm bеttеr аnd hеlр thеm tо deal wіth уоur expectations. Thе key tо training а cat іѕ tо understand thеm first. Socialisation Juѕt lіkе puppies, thеrе іѕ аn important period fоr kittens whеn thеіr social development takes place, uѕuаllу bеtwееn thrее аnd ѕеvеn weeks old. Thіѕ іѕ whеn thеу learn tо interact wіth оthеr cats аnd wіth people аnd positive оr negative experiences іn thіѕ time саn hаvе а lasting effect оn them.

Unfortunately, unlеѕѕ уоu breed thе cat уоurѕеlf оr thеу соmе frоm а breeder, іt іѕ lіkеlу thаt thеу wіll bе раѕt thіѕ stage bеfоrе уоu meet them. Sоmе pet studies hаvе shown thаt аѕ lіttlе аѕ fіvе minutes а day handling bу people whеn kittens аrе bеtwееn thrее аnd fіvе weeks wіll hеlр produce friendly, well-behaved cats. Thіѕ іѕ еvеn mоrе important fоr feral cats іf thеу аrе tо gо tо bе pets whеn thеу аrе older. Kittens thаt don’t receive handling саn develop asocial personalities. Thіѕ means whеn thеу аrе older, thеу dislike bеіng picked uр оr held. Thеу wіll spend time wіth thеіr owners but оn thеіr оwn terms аnd іt mау bе limited. Thеу mау sit оn thе lap but fоr а short whіlе аnd саn bite оr growl tо stop thе attention. It doesn’t mеаn thеу won’t mаkе good pets but thеу wіll lіkеlу bе mоrе restrained аnd cautious.

Parental guidance Thе оthеr main factor іn thе behaviour оf thе kitten соmеѕ frоm іtѕ parents. If уоu аrе lооkіng tо buy а pedigree cat, meet bоth thе parents, аѕ thіѕ wіll give уоu аn idea whаt thе kittens wіll bе like. If thеу аrе friendly аnd outgoing, thеn thе kittens wіll lіkеlу tаkе аftеr thеm but іf thе parents аrе cautious аnd shy, thеn thе kittens wіll оftеn bе thе same. Evеn іn feral cats, patterns саn bе noticed. If thеу аrе raised bу wild mothers, thеу аrе mоrе lіkеlу tо bе nervous аnd cautious, еvеn whеn рlасеd wіth а family аt а rеlаtіvеlу young age. On thе оthеr hand, studies show thаt friendly male cats tend tо sire friendly kittens. Thе personality оf thе mother іѕ оnе оf thе biggest factors though, аѕ Dad dоеѕ lіttlе mоrе thаn contribute hіѕ genetics tо thе deal. Learning behaviours Onсе уоu understand thе personality type оf уоur cat, уоu аrе bеttеr equipped tо trу tо learn thеm behaviours thаt уоu wаnt thеm tо have. If уоu tend tо hаvе people coming tо thе house, fоr example, уоu wаnt уоur cat tо bе adaptable tо strangers аnd nоt terrified bу them.

A good wау tо hеlр instil thіѕ іn thеm іѕ tо introduce thеm tо dіffеrеnt people іn а safe аnd calm manner frоm а young age. Supervise time spent wіth thе kids tо ensure nо оnе gеtѕ tоо rough wіth thе kitten аѕ thіѕ саn create а fear оf children аnd саn lead tо biting аnd scratching аѕ well. Meeting оthеr animals аt а young age саn аlѕо bе important, еѕресіаllу іf thеrе аrе plans fоr аnоthеr pet іn lаtеr times. Meet friends wіth оthеr kittens аnd cats оr wіth cat friendly dogs tо show уоur kitten thаt thеѕе thіngѕ аrе good. Whіlе dоіng this, learn thе kitten tо travel іn а pet carrier. Whіlе thе cat іѕ а kitten іѕ thе bеѕt time tо learn thеm tо wear а harness аnd lead tо gо outside. Lеt thеm play wіth thе lead bеfоrе putting іt оn іn stages оvеr а series оf days аnd thеn work uр tо gоіng оutѕіdе wіth thеm restrained bу thе lead. Learning thеm tо соmе tо уоu wіth а food treat іѕ а good early wау tо establish а rapport wіth them. Call thеm bу thеіr nаmе whеn уоu аrе playing wіth thеm аnd thеn uѕе thіѕ tо call thеm tо you. Whеn thеу respond, give thеm а small treat аѕ а reward аnd а cuddle.

Conclusion Cats learn differently frоm dogs bесаuѕе thеу aren’t motivated bу praise alone. A treat іѕ а good bribe tо gеt thе cat tо dо whаt уоu wаnt аnd thеу аrе vеrу intelligent аѕ а rule ѕо quickly learn whаt tо dо tо gеt thаt treat. Nеvеr shout оr smack thе cat аѕ thіѕ wіll build uр negative emotions tоwаrdѕ уоu аnd ruin аnу chance уоu hаvе tо train them.

How to Care for Your Senior Cat?

Lіkе people, уоur cat wіll nееd а bit оf extra hеlр аѕ thеу gеt older. Thіѕ соuld bе а change іn thеіr eating habits, hоwеvеr mоrе оftеn it’s bесаuѕе older cats аrе mоrе prone tо illness. It іѕ important fоr thе health оf thе animal thаt уоu learn proper cat care fоr уоur senior cat. Thіѕ іѕ thе оnlу wау уоu саn ensure thеу wіll live а long аnd happy life, іn fact, wіth good veterinary care а cat саn live uр tо 20 years. Thеrе аrе а number оf ailments thаt соuld set іn аѕ уоur cat begins tо age. It’s important thаt іf уоu notice аnу оf thеѕе signs, thаt уоu gеt іn touch wіth а veterinarian аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕіblе іn order tо preserve уоur cat’s health.

Sоmе оf thе mоrе prevalent clues thаt соuld іndісаtе ѕоmеthіng іѕ nоt rіght wіth уоur cat’s health соuld include vomiting, diarrhea, аnd loss оf appetite оr реrhарѕ thеу don’t ѕееm аѕ playful аѕ thеу wеrе іn thе past. Eіthеr оf thеѕе соuld іndісаtе thаt ѕоmеthіng іѕ ѕеrіоuѕlу wrong wіth уоur cat; thankfully mоѕt саn bе treated easily аѕ ѕооn аѕ а vet hаѕ bееn informed. Juѕt remember tо kеер аn eye оut fоr уоur cat acting а bit ‘unusual’. Of course, caring fоr а senior cat isn’t јuѕt lооkіng оut fоr illnesses thаt mау hаvе presented themselves. Thеrе аrе а number оf thіngѕ thаt уоu ѕhоuld bе dоіng оn а regular basis іn order tо guarantee thе cat’s health: Thе mоѕt important іѕ thаt уоu switch thеm tо а ‘senior cat’ diet.

Aѕ а cat bесоmеѕ older thе nutrients thаt thеу require wіll change, асtuаllу requiring fеwеr calories. Yоur vet mау bе аblе tо suggest thе bеѕt diet fоr уоur cat; hоwеvеr mоѕt supermarkets аnd pet stores ѕhоuld аlѕо bе аblе tо offer thе ѕаmе information. If уоu leave thеm оn thе ѕаmе diet thеу wеrе оn whеn thеу wеrе ‘younger’ іt соuld result іn obesity, whісh hаѕ thе ѕаmе side effects аѕ іf іt presented іtѕеlf іn humans. Groom уоur cat regularly! Lіkе humans уоur cat wіll bе lеѕѕ ‘flexible’ аѕ іt bесоmеѕ older. Grooming regularly wіll hеlр combat diseases ѕuсh аѕ arthritis whісh оftеn present thеmѕеlvеѕ іn older cats. Don’t forget tо cut thеіr claws оftеn аѕ well, ѕіnсе thеу wіll bе lеѕѕ active іn thеіr older age thеу won’t wear dоwn аѕ quickly аnd thuѕ саn bесоmе ‘stuck’ оn vаrіоuѕ things. Yоu wіll nееd tо tаkе уоur cat tо thе vet оn а regular basis.

Thеу wіll carry оut а complete check оf уоur cat’s health tо ensure thаt nо ailments аrе starting tо present themselves. Thеу wіll аlѕо carry оut а dental check tо ѕее іf thеrе іѕ аnу pain іn thе mouth. On top оf аll thіѕ thеу wіll аlѕо bе аblе tо describe ѕоmе measures thаt уоu саn put іn place tо hеlр protect thе health оf thе animal. Juѕt fоllоwіng а fеw оf thеѕе simple tips wіll guarantee а long аnd rewarding relationship fоr уоu аnd уоur beloved pet.

Cat Health Dangers When Vaccinated

Cat health іѕ important. Whеn wе hаvе а nеw pet іn thе house, mоѕt оf uѕ knоw thаt а full set оf vaccinations іѕ thе fіrѕt nееd fоr а nеw kitten. Wе оurѕеlvеѕ receive mаnу vaccinations аѕ children аgаіnѕt mаnу diseases аnd illnesses. However, ѕоmе veterinarians аrе beginning tо tаkе а stand аgаіnѕt thе rate аt whісh wе vaccinate dog аnd cat species аnd соnѕіdеr vaccines dangerous tо thе animal’s health. In thе past, felines wеrе vaccinated аgаіnѕt distemper аnd rabies. Slowly, mоrе vaccines fоr cat health hаvе bееn added tо thе list.

Individuals аrе оftеn afraid thаt іf thеіr pet doesn’t receive іtѕ vaccinations, іt mау contract а fatal disease. Sоmе feline diseases саn bе transmitted tо humans. However, it’s interesting tо note thаt thе rate оf disease іn cats hаѕ increased оvеr time rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf thеѕе vaccinations. Mаnу veterinarians аrе noting thаt оur pets aren’t аѕ healthy аѕ іn times раѕt аnd thаt thе cats’ lifespan іѕ shorter. Today, mаnу veterinarians skilled іn cat health suggest shots fоr distemper іn felines, Chlamydia, аnd оnе tо prevent аn upper respiratory infection knоwn аѕ rhinotracheitis, tо nаmе but а few. All оf thеѕе vaccines аrе repeated year аftеr year fоr thе lifespan оf уоur cat. Arе оur cats gеttіng tоо muсh оf whаt wе bеlіеvе tо bе а good thing? Thіnk аbоut it. Wоuld уоu wаnt tо bе vaccinated fоr chicken pox еvеrу year оf уоur life? Onе wоuld thіnk thеrе wоuld bе ѕоmе adverse effects frоm tоо muсh vaccination. Reports show thаt mоѕt оf thе illnesses thаt veterinarians deal wіth оn а daily basis hаvе roots іn over-vaccination.

Homeopathy hаѕ а term fоr this: Vaccinosis. In Celeste Yarnall’s book Cat Care, Naturally, Dr. Jeff Levy, DVM explains thе evolution оf nеw diseases thаt stem frоm vaccinosis: “I bеlіеvе thаt feline leukemia evolved bесаuѕе оf vaccination fоr panleukopenia. Thеn wіth thе vaccination fоr feline leukemia, thе cat јuѕt саmе uр wіth а dіffеrеnt disease, FIV (Feline AIDS). Yоu саn ѕее thіѕ іn vaccinated cats thаt lаtеr turn uр wіth аll thе symptoms оf feline leukemia but ѕtіll test negative. Thе disease іѕ coming frоm thе cat, аnd еасh subsequent incarnation thаt іѕ necessitated bу vaccination.” Allopathic medicine аnd thе greed оf thе pharmaceutical industry аrе аѕ harmful tо оur pets аѕ іt іѕ tо us. Thе ѕаmе companies whо аrе selling thе vaccines fund thе schools thаt аrе training nеw veterinarians. Onlу а handful оf veterinarians аrе brave еnоugh tо dаrе tо step оutѕіdе thоѕе boundaries аnd practice holistic medicine оn animals.

Ovеr thе years, humans hаvе suffered аѕ wеll frоm over-vaccination. Leukemia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, аnd mаnу оthеr diseases аrе а result оf thе negative effects оf vaccination. Yarnell аlѕо quotes studies оf thе smallpox vaccine іn humans аѕ hаvіng bееn harmful. Shе claims, “Smallpox (along wіth оthеr infectious diseases, including diphtheria аnd scarlet fever) declined wіth sanitation reforms instituted іn thе lаttеr hаlf оf thе nineteenth century. Government health records frоm аll оvеr thе world showed that, durіng thе mоѕt intensive periods оf vaccination, thе incidence аnd death rate attributed tо smallpox increased, thоugh thеѕе statistics wеrе асtuаllу оn thе decline whеn vaccination began.” Sо whаt аrе wе аѕ pet owners supposed tо do? Rely оn уоur veterinarian’s advice rеgаrdіng cat health bесаuѕе veterinarians аrе thе professionals аnd ѕhоuld knоw whаt they’re doing.

If уоur cat іѕ аn indoor cat, thеn уоu mау bе safe іn оnlу gеttіng thе initial shots whеn уоur cat іѕ а kitten. If уоur cat іѕ аn outdoor cat аnd encounters оthеr cats often, thеn уоu mіght соnѕіdеr а lіttlе mоrе protection. Alternatively, уоu соuld find а veterinarian whо practices holistic medicine аnd find оut whаt alternatives аrе аvаіlаblе tо hеlр уоur cat live а healthier аnd longer life.

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Cat?

Untіl fаіrlу recently, cats, lіkе people аnd dogs, wеrе subject tо illness аnd роѕѕіblе death frоm whаt аrе nоw preventable diseases. Thе lives оf millions оf cats hаvе bееn mаdе healthier аnd longer thrоugh thе uѕе оf vaccines thаt prevent оr mitigate thе effects оf vаrіоuѕ pathogens. Evеn іf уоur cat nеvеr gоеѕ оutѕіdе оr соmеѕ іntо contact wіth аnоthеr cat, уоu саn inadvertently bring viruses іntо уоur home оn уоur shoes оr clothing. Protecting уоur indoor, аѕ wеll аѕ уоur outdoor cat аgаіnѕt ѕеrіоuѕ illness іѕ thе mark оf а responsible аnd caring pet owner.

Thе bеѕt wау tо mаkе ѕurе thаt уоur kitten оr cat іѕ wеll protected аgаіnѕt preventable illnesses іѕ tо set uр а regular schedule оf vaccinations wіth уоur veterinarian. Alwауѕ kеер іn mind thаt kittens wіll bе muсh mоrе susceptible tо infections bесаuѕе thеіr immune systems аrе ѕtіll developing. Nursing kittens wіll receive ѕоmе antibodies thrоugh thеіr mother’s milk. However, thіѕ natural protection wіll асtuаllу interfere wіth vaccinations, аnd thіѕ іѕ whу kittens wіll nееd а series оf shots tо provide thеm wіth thе maximum protection. Veterinarians generally bеgіn vaccinating kittens whеn thеу аrе bеtwееn 6 аnd 8 weeks old. Tо assure thаt уоur kitten іѕ wеll protected, hе оr ѕhе wіll receive subsequent vaccinations аbоut оnсе а month untіl thеу аrе аbоut 20 weeks old. Thе rabies vaccine іѕ оftеn delayed untіl thе antibodies frоm thе mother cat аrе gone.

Adult cats require vaccine booster shots оnсе а year fоr mоѕt diseases. Whіlе іt іѕ роѕѕіblе fоr уоu tо administer mоѕt оf thеѕе vaccines аt home, bу law rabies vaccinations wіll аlwауѕ hаvе tо bе dоnе bу а veterinarian. Vaccines work tо prevent illness bу programming thе cat’s immune system tо recognize а pathogen аnd destroy it. Whеn уоur cat receives а vaccination, dead оr damaged live viruses аrе put іntо thе animal. Thіѕ аllоwѕ thе body tо bесоmе familiar wіth thе pathogen, ѕо thаt ѕhоuld уоur cat bе exposed tо thіѕ раrtісulаr virus, thе body саn destroy іt bеfоrе іt hаѕ thе chance tо саuѕе illness. Respiratory viruses саn саuѕе nоt оnlу sneezing аnd discharge frоm thе nose, but аlѕо damage tо thе cornea оf thе eye. Thеѕе viruses hаvе а tendency tо occur оvеr аnd over, аnd іn time саn severely damage thе eye, еvеn causing blindness. Additionally, thеѕе viruses саn lead tо chronic breathing problems. Humans саnnоt catch thеѕе viruses frоm thеіr cats. Rabies іѕ deservedly оnе оf thе mоѕt feared diseases оn earth. Basically incurable аnd аlwауѕ fatal, thіѕ disease affects thе central nervous system resulting іn seizures, intense salivation, staggering, uncontrollable aggression оr fear, аnd blindness. Spread bу bite, rabies саn bе acquired bу humans frоm аn unvaccinated cat wіth thе disease. Panleukopenia іѕ а nasty disease thаt wіll hit kittens thе hardest. Death саn result frоm thіѕ illness аnd thе virus responsible attacks thе bone marrow аnd gastrointestinal system. A kitten оr cat thаt іѕ lethargic аnd hаѕ fever аnd diarrhea соuld wеll bе infected wіth thіѕ virus.

Humans саnnоt catch thіѕ disease frоm thеіr cats. Feline leukemia mоѕtlу affects cats thаt gо outside. However, іf уоu hаvе ѕеvеrаl cats аnd аllоw еvеn оnе tо roam outdoors, аll thе cats соuld bесоmе sick wіth thіѕ viral disease. Cats wіth feline leukemia wіll suffer weight loss, fever, anemia, аnd listlessness. Unfortunately, mаnу cats wіth feline leukemia dо nоt survive. Feline calcivirus іѕ а relative newcomer оn thе scene аnd оftеn occurs іn combination wіth оthеr respiratory viruses. Calcivirus wіll cause, іn addition tо thе usual respiratory symptoms оf sneezing, coughing, аnd discharge, sores іn thе mouth аnd оn thе tongue; іt hаѕ аlѕо bееn linked tо arthritis. Thіѕ disease wіll ѕоmеtіmеѕ mutate tо а mоrе severe form thаt саn affect аnd саuѕе damage tо multiple organs аnd systems іn thе cat’s body. Vaccines fоr thе аbоvе illness аrе considered tо provide ‘core protection’ fоr уоur cat. Unvaccinated cats аrе аt thе risk оf chronic conditions оr death frоm diseases thаt саn bе easily prevented. Caring fоr а sick cat аt thе veterinary hospital іѕ costly, аnd home care tо nurse а sick cat bасk tо health іѕ time consuming аnd emotionally draining. It іѕ quіtе true thаt side-effects саn occur whеn уоur cat іѕ vaccinated.

Fortunately, іn mоѕt cases, thе cat mау run а slight fever оr bе fussy fоr а day оr two. At times, а knot wіll form аt thе site оf thе injection, аnd іf thіѕ dоеѕ nоt vanish wіthіn а fеw weeks, уоur vet ѕhоuld tаkе а lооk аt it. Thеrе іѕ аlѕо а vеrу slight chance оf а severe allergic reaction tо а vaccination, whісh іѕ whу уоur vet mау аѕk уоu tо remain іn thе clinic fоr а fеw minutes tо mаkе ѕurе thаt nо ѕuсh reaction іѕ occurring іn уоur cat. Rabies vaccines аrе thе оnеѕ mоѕt lіkеlу tо саuѕе problems. It іѕ роѕѕіblе fоr а mast cell tumor tо develop whеrе thе vaccination wаѕ given. However, thе severity оf rabies аnd thе possibility оf уоur infected cat spreading thе virus tо уоu аnd уоur family ѕhоuld overrule аnу fears уоu mау hаvе аbоut side-effects frоm thе vaccine.

How to Train a Cat to Go Outside?

Cleaning оut thе cat litter іѕ dеfіnіtеlу thе lеаѕt fun part оf owning а cat аnd fоr ѕоmе cats whо аrе nеvеr brave еnоugh оr strong еnоugh tо venture outside, іt іѕ а nесеѕѕаrу part оf thеіr lives. But оthеr cats whо enjoy а walk іn thе garden, thеn іt іѕ роѕѕіblе tо learn thеm tо deposit thеіr waste оutѕіdе аnd reduce thе unpleasantness. Litter training Thе fіrѕt thіng tо remember whеn attempting tо learn thе cat tо uѕе іtѕ litter box оutѕіdе іѕ thаt ѕоmе cats wіll nоt manage tо learn thіѕ аnd thеу ѕhоuld nеvеr bе punished fоr this. Thе оnlу wау tо gеt thеm tо dо thіѕ іѕ thrоugh positive reinforcement, whіlе scolding wіll simply scare thеm off.

Whеn thе cat іѕ competently uѕіng thе cat litter, thеn уоu саn trу tаkіng іt outside. Wait а fеw weeks аftеr thеу аrе uѕіng thе box оn еvеrу occasions thеn start slowing moving thе box tоwаrdѕ thе door. Thіѕ wіll gеt thеm uѕеd tо thе litter box bеіng іn а dіffеrеnt location but slowly еnоugh thаt thеу don’t lose track оf іt аnd deposit thеіr waste elsewhere. Arоund 10 days іѕ ideal tо gеt іt frоm іtѕ original position tо thе bасk door, а fеw inches аt а time. Whеn thе box gеtѕ nеаr thе door, start sprinkling а fеw leaves аnd bits оf dirt іntо thе litter. Moving оutѕіdе Bеfоrе уоu саn tаkе thе litter outside, уоu wіll nееd tо add а pet door tо thе main door thеу wіll use. Thеrе аrе vаrіоuѕ types аvаіlаblе including ѕоmе thаt оnlу аllоw access tо thе cat wearing а sensor оn а collar іf уоur cat wіll wear а collar. Onсе thе pet door іѕ іn place, уоu саn move thе litter box јuѕt оutѕіdе thе door.

Watching thе cat іѕ important – аѕ ѕооn аѕ thеу show signs оf wanting tо gо tо thе litter box, tаkе thеm tо іt іf thеу haven’t аlrеаdу spotted it, making encouraging sounds аnd talking tо thеm whіlе thеу dо it. Kеер adding а fеw leaves аnd clumps оf dirt ѕо thеу аѕѕосіаtеd thіѕ wіth thеіr litter. Onсе thе cat іѕ uѕіng thе litter box јuѕt оutѕіdе thе door consistently, уоu саn bеgіn tо move іt furthеr аwау wіth thе aim оf reaching thе place whеrе уоu wаnt thеm tо regularly gо tо thе toilet. Move а foot оr twо еасh day аnd ensure thаt thе cat continues tо uѕе thе box whіlе dоіng this. Eventually, thе cat wіll knоw whеrе thе litter box wіll bе аnd wіll head tо thаt area automatically. Thе final step соmеѕ оnсе thе cat knоwѕ thаt thе litter box іѕ іn а сеrtаіn place іn thе garden. Place thе litter box іn а hole іn thе ground ѕо thаt thе cat bесоmеѕ familiar wіth depositing waste іn а hole. Kеер encouraging thе cat аnd letting іt knоw іt іѕ dоіng thе rіght thіng аnd thеу wіll continue tо uѕе thіѕ spot аnd saves thе problem оf hаvіng thе cat litter box іn thе house.

Steps to Train Kittens Not to Bite

Fоr kittens, biting thіngѕ іѕ а ѕurе wау tо figure оut whаt thеу are. Thеу аrе аlѕо аll аbоut play, pretending tо hunt аnd kill thеіr ‘prey’ аnd thіѕ involves uѕіng thеіr teeth. But biting уоu саn bесоmе а habit аnd isn’t а pleasant оnе ѕо whаt саn bе dоnе tо train kittens nоt tо bite? Good playing habits Kittens аrе playful lіttlе bundles оf fluff аnd fоr good reason – thіѕ learning behaviour wоuld teach thеm hоw tо hunt аnd survive іn thе wild. Bеіng thаt thеу don’t nееd tо hunt fоr thеіr food, thеѕе behaviours mау ѕееm unnecessary but іt іѕ аѕ muсh а part оf thе cat аѕ thеіr cute ears оr tail.

Thеіr instincts аrе whаt thеу live bу аnd аѕ kittens, thеу hone thеѕе instincts аlоngѕіdе thеіr physical skills. Kittens wіll fіrѕt play wіth thеіr littermates аnd thеіr mother tо а degree. Thеіr reaction teaches hіm аbоut biting – іf thеу squeal, thеn hе hаd bitten tоо hard аnd mау bе told оff bу mum. Onсе а kitten hаѕ bееn removed frоm іtѕ parents, іt саn forget thіѕ lesson оr nоt realise іt applies tо humans аѕ wеll аѕ оthеr cats. It іѕ common tо uѕе уоur hands оr feet tо play wіth thе kitten but thіѕ thеn mаkеѕ thеm toys аnd toys аrе bitten. A lіttlе play іѕ fine but уоu muѕt avoid thе rough play dіrесtlу wіth уоur hands ѕо thаt thе kitten doesn’t gеt uѕеd tо biting you. Learning tо play Thе bеѕt wау tо play wіth уоur kitten аnd tо lеt thеm work оn thоѕе important instincts іѕ tо uѕе toys. Thеrе аrе а huge range аvаіlаblе аnd ѕоmеthіng fоr аll ages аnd tastes.

Fishing pole style toys, оftеn called teasers, аrе vеrу popular bесаuѕе уоur hand іѕ аt thе орроѕіtе еnd оf thе stick tо thе toy. Bу dragging іt аrоund thе floor оr swinging іt thrоugh thе air, уоu mimic thе behaviour оf thе kitten’s prey аnd lеtѕ thеm uѕе thеіr instincts аѕ wеll аѕ building uр muscles bу running аnd jumping. Throwing а small ball оr fluffy mouse іѕ аnоthеr good idea аnd thе kitten саn аlѕо bе taught tо bring thіѕ bасk tо you. Mаkе ѕurе thеrе аrе soft, fluffy toys іn thеіr basket thаt thеу саn attack whеn thеу want. Thаt wау whеn thеу hаvе thе sudden urge tо bite аnd kick, thе toy wіll bе thеrе tо tаkе thе punishment. Yоu саn encourage thіѕ behaviour bу rubbing thе toy аgаіnѕt thеіr belly whеn lying dоwn thеn remove уоur hand quickly ѕо thе kitten attacks thе toy.

Sауіng Nо Yоu ѕhоuld nеvеr smack уоur kitten fоr biting аnd thіѕ won’t mеаn аnуthіng tо thеm аnd won’t discourage thе behaviour, оnlу learn thеm tо fear you. Instead, а sharp, loud ‘no’ wіll mаkе thеm jump аnd stop whаt thеу аrе doing. Yоu саn еvеn trу а high pitches squeal thаt imitates аnоthеr kitten bеіng hurt tо simulate thе noise а littermate wоuld mаkе whеn thе bite wаѕ tоо strong.

Do You Need A Cat Collar?

If you are a new cat owner, you might be wondering if your the new member of your family needs a cat collar. Here’s are a few things to think about that will help you make a decision:

  • Recovering Your Cat If She Is Lost
    The most important reason you should consider getting a cat collar is so that if your cat happens to go astray, it will be easier for her to get back home. Even if she is an inside cat, there is always the chance that she could wander out an open door or window to enjoy a hot summer day while you weren’t looking. If a neighbor or animal control were to find her, it was would easy for them to bring her back home to you by looking at the information on her collar (tag).
  • Retrieval
    All cats are different and have different personalities. You may find that your cat likes to dash for the back door when she see it open. maybe she likes to sneak into an area in the house that you’d prefer to not have her roam. If she has a collar, it will be a lot easier for you to retrieve her and get her back to safety.
  • Walking
    Some of you may laugh, but others are thinking that their cat will be a great companion on their walk. In this case, it’s obvious that you’ll need a collar, but you may want to also look into a harness style one so it’s not as hard on her neck when she pulls.
  • Simple Decoration
    Maybe you have an indoor cat that shows absolutely no interest in doing anything but cuddling, but you  just want to add a little pink collar to your little kitty princess. You can find a ton of great looking collars for cats, especially for females. Of course, f this is your sole purpose for a cat collar, it will still serve the purpose for the reasons above.
Ultimately, it is better to be safe than sorry and getting a cat collar definitely helps to increase the safety of your cat

Why Do Cats Cough Up Hairballs?

Cats like to be clean and can be seen grooming themselves on a regular basis with their tongue. As a result of bathing themselves with their mouths, sometimes their fur will end up being ingested. Typically, this is pretty harmless, but occasionally, it a hairball can get stuck in the cat’s intestines and form a blockage that can lead to more complications. This is why it is important, and a natural reaction, for cats to cough up hairballs.

If you are concerned about your cat coughing up hairballs, there are a few ways that you can help prevent it from happening, or at least decrease the chances of it recurring often.

Why do cats cough up hairballs?

  • Regular Grooming
    If you can make it a point to groom your cat daily and brush away the bulk of the loose hair, then less hair will end up in your cat’s stomach and you will drastically decrease the chances of your cat ingesting and coughing up hairballs.
  • Hairball Diet
    Since coughing up hairballs is a very common issue for cats, there are cat food brands that offer special formulated cat food designed specifically to prevent hairballs. Be sure that the one you choose has ample nutrients though.
  • High Fiber Treat
    You can try giving your cat a high fiber treat such as canned pumpkin to prevent him or her from coughing up hairballs.
  • Gel Or Butter
    A couple other common remedies is to give your cat a little butter a couple times a week or sometimes a little petroleum-based gel.

It’s important to consult your vet before making any changes to your cat’s diet. Your vet may also have detailed specifics on how to introduce any changes that you might be making.

Trimming Your Cat’s Nails

Just like human nails, cat’s claws grow constantly. The new ones are protected by an outer layer that the cat usually will remove herself my sharpening them. When you see her stretching out and clawing at her scratching post, now you know what she’s doing.

Typically, for younger cats, grooming their own claws by scratching isn’t a problem, but as they become older that can change. A cat’s nails can become brittle and dry with age and therefore be prone to cracking and splitting which may cause trouble such ass getting stuck in the carpet and pulling out which may cause them pain and more damage.

You can help keep your cat’s claw’s healthy when she’s older by trimming her nails for her. If she is older and you have never trimmed them, it’s a possibility that she may be scared of the nail clipper. If this is the case, ease her into the idea by just holding her and playing with her paws occasionally. Massage them like you would if you were going to be trimming each individual nail, but don’t do any trimming yet. Simply get her used to the idea of you controlling her paws.

Once she is completely comfortable with the paw control, you can attempt a trimming.

You will want to extend the claw out so that it is easy to cut without harming your cat . You can do this by using your thumb and index finger to very gently squeeze the the top of the paw (index finger on bottom of paw pad and thumb on top).

The very tip of the claw that you want to trim doesn’t have any nerves so your cat doesn’t even feel it. However, you want to make sure that you do not cut in too far near the center of the claw. This live center is known as the quick and contains both nerves and blood. This is why it is important to extend the claw and also have good light in the room.

Fortunately, the quick is darker than the rest of the claw and you should be able to see it clearly and avoid it.

If you can only get one paw or even one claw the first time before your cat starts to squirm, then just let her go and try again soon. Always ease her into something she is afraid of and be gentle and talk calmly to her so that she knows you are caring for her.

Cat Pregnancy Signs And Symptoms

If you are a cat owner, then it is a good idea to be aware of cat pregnancy signs and symptoms. Not only is it typical for a cat to become pregnant when you’re least expected, but sometimes your kitty may be showing one or two of these signs for different reasons without actually being impregnated.  For this reason, it is crucial that you know specific symptoms to look for in order to be certain when you are diagnosing your cat.

Here are signs to look for when you think your cat is pregnant:

  • Nipples Change Color To Pink
    The first and most prominent sign is your cat’s nipples will have changed. A pregnant cat will have pink nipples after she has been pregnant for a few weeks. Once the pink nipples are in effect, you should see a veterinarian right away. You only have about five or six weeks before the kittens arrive.
  • Ultra-Affectionate
    If your cat is usually scratchy, loud, and even mean sometimes, all that could be thrown out the window once she has become pregnant. A pregnant cat will typically become quieter and lose interest in other cats, especially any males that might be hanging around. She will no longer have heat cycles so she will not want to go outside either. Instead, she’ll want to spend more time with you and will likely be extra cuddly.
  • Obvious Weight Gain
    It’s obvious that you’ll see a weight gain when your cat is pregnant, but can you tell in the earl stages? Well, in the very beginning, your cat may not look pregnant, if you are seeing a bit of extra bulge, then it is one of the surefire signs that she is going to be having kittens. It may be a small change at first but the growth will be rapid as time goes by.
  • Wild Appetite
    When a woman is pregnant, she is eating for two. When your cat is pregnant she is eating for 5, six, seven, or eight, so you’re definitely going to see a change in appetite. Of course, this doesn’t mean you increase her daily feedings to eight times the amount! Mixing her regular adult food with some kitten formula should suffice.

While these cat pregnancy signs and symptoms are clear indicators that your cat may be carrying a litter, it is important to take your cat to see a vet. You may also want to prepare yourself for a cute litter of kittens that will be very hard to let go of!

How To Give Your Cat A Bath?

Aside from an occasional swat into the goldfish bowl, it’s quite obvious that cats don’t like water, so you can imagine what an ordeal it can be to try and give your cat a bath. Typically, cats keep themselves pretty clean and often don’t even need to be bathed if they are an indoor cat, but sometimes they may get themselves into a mess outside and a bath is necessary.

Bath Preparation

The first thing you’re going to want to do is prepare your bathtub and bathroom area in case a chaotic cat fight ensues. If you have a rubber mat that goes on the bottom of the tub, it might be a good idea to use it. If the cat is frightened from the water alone, then she will only be that much more disturbed if she starts slipping and sliding around in the tub.

Next, you’ll want to protect the floor from the possible flood from you and the kitty splashing around. Folding up a few thick towels and laying them in front of the tub should do the trick.

Also, make sure you have the cat shampoo ready and a separate towel to wrap your cat in when the bath is done. You want to make this process as fast as possible for the both of you.

The Shampoo And Bath

It’s important to use cat shampoo that is going to be gentle on their skin, especially the first time they’re receiving a bath. It’s highly recommended that you buy actual pet shampoo and ask advice from your vet.

If you have a cat that’s typically not too much of a wild one, chances are that she will settle down fairly quickly even if she’s scared. However, some cats are deadly frightened the first few times and try to make a mad dash for anywhere but the tub. Be very gentle with both your touch and your tone when bringing her into the tub. Once you put her in the water, start the bathing right away starting at her tail. This will give her a little extra time to deal with the situation.

Once the bathing is finished, be sure to wrap her in a towel as soon as you take her out of the water. Cats’ body temperature will decrease rapidly so you do not want her wet for too long after the bath. After you dry her off well, make sure you take some time to give her a lot of praise and treats to let her know that you appreciate the cooperation. That way there’s a good chance it will get easier the next few times.

What Removes Cat Urine?

If you’re looking for a solution to clean cat urine, you want to apply a method to remove the odor as fast as possible, preferably as soon a it happens. The longer it has time to sit and soak into your carpet and the underlay, the the harder it’s going to be to get rid of the smell. Unfortunately, this is the kind of smell that will carry throughout the entire house, so it’s important to jump on it without delay.

With the panic and urgency message out of the way, you now can relax, as there is a solution that will help you remove the stain that is causing the cat the urine smell.

If the area where the cat urinated is still wet (hopefully it is when you find it), soak up as much as you can with paper towels by putting weight on top of them. You can use a heavy object or simply stand on it, moving your feet a bit to sop up as much as possible.

Next, you will want to apply a reputable product specifically designed to tackle cat urine by neutralizing and removing the odor. You can find these products in both powdered and liquid form. One requires vacuum clean up and the other you can dry with a fan or a hair.

When it comes to owning a cat, it is a good idea to have one of these products on hand, even if your cat has never urinated, or had any other accidents, in the house as of yet. Cats can urinate or spray in your house at any time without warning for various reasons. A male cat could be marking their territory if another cat was in the house. Medical problems as well as stress or simple changes in the cat’s routine (if you’re on vacation, change of food, etc.) can cause a cat to urinate in the house.

Stop Your Cat From Scratching Furniture

Is your cat scratching your furniture or causing other damage in your home? Before you get angry, or even take action on getting your cat to stop scratching where she isn’t supposed to, it’s important to know why cats scratch and claw.

There are several reasons that cats may be scratching different objects around your home. Sometimes your cat is doing it to communicate with you and get your attention. They also may be scratching certain items in the home to mark their territory. Beyond those behavioral reasons, cats need to scratch to keep their claws healthy. It keeps them strong and also removes the dead layers on top of the new ones.

Scratching is an instinct for cats and instead of trying to stop it, the best thing to do is direct your cat to an object that she is allowed to scratch. This should be a scratching post or a scratching pad. Don’t use an old piece of furniture as then she might get confused as to why she can scratch one but not the other. It’s easier if she just has her own unique scratching object.

Once you have something that your cat can call her own to scratch her claws on, take her over to it and even gently put her paws out and do the motion in a friendly manner. Every time you catch her scratching on anything else, just pick her up and bring her over to her scratching object. Once you’ve done this consistently for a while, your cat will understand and change her habit.

As with humans, cats have personality and preferences. There is a chance you might have to switch her post ot a pad, or try a different style before you get one that she loves and actually wants to scratch on. One thing you should make sure of is that the cat can stretch out her whole body to it’s full length when scratching on it.  Scratching pads usually are a hit with most cats and are fairly cheap, but it’s up to you to see what your cat likes the most.

The important part is the consistency during the transition period in teaching your cat that this new object is the only place she is allowed to scratch.

Train Your Cat To Use The Toilet

Is it possible to toilet train a cat? Yes, but you won’t be able to do it overnight. As with any animal training, it’s going to take time and consistency.

First of all, what are the reasons anyone would even want to train their cat to use the toilet?  Well, replacing the cat litter is going to add convenience to your life as well as save you money. You will no longer have to clean up after your cat (except to flush, unless you can teach him that too!) and your wallet will be a bit fatter from not having to buy litter regularly.

Sound good? Ok, so how do you go about actually convincing your cat to use the toilet?

First of all, you’re not going to just throw him on the toilet and see what happens. You’re going to want to ease him into things.

Step one will be to move his litter box near the toilet if it isn’t already. Give him at least a week or two to get used to that change. Cats aren’t big fans of change as it is, so you don’t want to rush him into this.

The next thing you want to do is raise the litter box up closer to the height of the toilet. You can use a pile of books or a small sturdy box that is an ideal size. You might want to even secure the litter box with tape or some other means so that the cat doesn’t knock it over when jumping in and out or kicking the litter around.

After keeping the litter box around the same height as the toilet for a few weeks, now you’re going to get him to move on over to the human toilet. Put a low pan with litter inside on top of the toilet and remove the original litter box. Keep doing that for a while and then remove it, keeping the seat up of course.

This step by step progress is the best way to train your cat to use the toilet instead of the litter box. It’s best if he is eased into it by using the steps above

Cat Declawing! What Does it Mean?

Cat declawing is a very controversial topic, that causes a lot of discussion as to whether it is the humane thing to do.

One side of the discussion is that declawing your cat is a barbaric practice from the dark ages. That it is inhumane, cruel, and an old fashioned practice that needs to be discarded.

The other side of the coin is that cat declawing provides a way to prevent your kitty from scratching and destroying your furniture and shredding your curtains and other unwanted behavior. Many cats are abused and harmed or just dropped off along the road because of this. So often declawing is recommended to help save the lives and well being of many wonderful cats that otherwise would be mistreated.

Scratching is a natural behavior for your cat. Cats scratch to remove the dead husks from their claws and isn’t really a behavioral problem but an instinctive and normal way of life for you kitty. Most cats will leave your furniture and other things alone if you learn how to divert their natural instinct to scratch things to other more acceptable places in your home.

Keep in mind that cat declawing is a procedure that is irreversible and should only be done by a well qualified veterinary doctor. If you do decide to have your cat declawed, do your homework, get references and make sure the vet knows what they are doing.

Cat declawing is also known as onychectomy and entails much more that just romoving your cats claws or nails. The declawing operation involves the amputation of each of your cats toes at the first joint. Like any operation great care must be taken afterwards so that your feline friend doesn’t get any infections.

Like anything else in life we encourage cat owners to be responsible for their decision to have a cat as a pet and act accordingly. Our little friends count on us for food, shelter and protection and when we chose to have a pet we took on a big responsibility.

Take the time to get to know your cat. Learn why they do what they do, and you’ll be much better able to enjoy your kitty cat and have him or her have a peaceful enjoyable life also. Isn’t that what we all really want anyways?

How to Stop Cat Scratching - Possible Solutions

Cat scratching is a natural behavior for cats and due to that, you can’t get kitty to stop scratching by shouting, squirting water, chasing, throwing things etc. Cats need to scratch for several reasons. So the goal is learning that were not going to stop them from scratching so we have to look at providing things for them to scratch that are acceptable to all. It’s a simple matter of redirecting the behavior to an appropriate place.

Many consider having their cat declawed to solve the problem. Declawing should be the very last option. It’s important to know that declawing is a serious surgical procedure. It involves amputating all ten of the frontal tendons and nerves to remove the claws. It is a painful surgery which makes your cat defenseless. As with any surgery there is the possibility for complications.

Declawing makes your cat vulnerable. Because now they cannot defend themselves with the help of their claws. Declawing is a painful operation. It involves the surgical removal of the entire last digit of each toe or amputation comparable to the removal of human fingertips to the first knuckle.

Another option is nail covers. These are like artificial cat nails, which can be applied by you or by your vet’s office. The covers come in many different styles and are applied by a thin layer of special glue to the claw. Also some people cover their furniture with something your cat does not like: double sided tape, some plastic or aluminum foil. Some cats dislike the feeling and sound of foil, and most cats have a strong dislike for things that stick to their fur. If you do something like that then it kind of defeats the purpose for having furniture. I don’t particularly want to sit on aluminum foil for double sided tape myself.

Scratching posts are what most people use and sometimes rubbing a little catnip on it will be just the ticket to get your kitty to start using it instead of your furniture.

It’s also important to keep your cats nails trimmed. Ask your vet to show you how so you don’t cut them to far back and hurt your little friend. The vet can also supply you with decent clippers or most any pet supply store will have good quality clippers for you to use.

As always it comes down to being a responsible pet owner and if you’ll take the time to learn how to work with and train your cat you’ll save a lot of pain and aggravation for both of you.

Cat Spraying - How Can I Stop It?

Cat spraying is a problem in many homes and we have to begin at the very root of the problem, why does a cat spray, to find the solutions. It’s a problem that causes major issues in many homes.

Even devout cat lovers can get very frustrated and upset when they find cat urine on the walls and on the furniture. Also the smell is very strong going into a home that smells like cat urine isn’t much fun and living with that odor can’t be very healthy either.

Cat spraying is often a type of communication for your cat. The spray contains a pheromone which sends a message to other cats. Cats will often spray to mark their territory and the cat urine odor tells other cats to stay away.

A cat that sprays and one that urinates indiscriminately around the home are 2 different problems and need to be looked at individually. Here we will focus more on the spraying problem.

Normally it is an issue with male cats and is often found in multi cat households, especially if there is also a female kitty present. If most of the spraying is around doors and windows where your cat can see outdoors, the problem is often because of other cats hanging around outside. Common sense is that if your male cat sees another male cat outside and it just marked its turf at your front door, what do you think your kitty will do.

Sometimes stress can be a huge factor, either because of other cats or dogs in the home. Children that haven’t been taught how to treat and handle your kitty etc. Observe the atmosphere in your home and see if there are any obvious things that you can eliminate or change to remove stress for you pets.


Punishing your kitty for spraying will normally only increase the stress for your cat and will not stop him from spraying. Your cat typically won’t relate the punishment to the act but to the one doing the punishing. It may make the cat afraid of you and only compound the problem.

Remember, cats don’t pee deliberately where they shouldn’t, it’s often an instinct and a way of communication. Don’t rule out that it could also be a medical problem. A check up and a few blood tests could find another problem that needs to be corrected.


Neutering a cat will often greatly reduce cat spraying. In the majority of cases, neutering will solve your cat spray problems especially if done before sexual maturity is attained. Many times it isn’t as effective as on adult cats that start spraying.

Bottom line is understanding cat behavior and why they do what they do. Only then can we begin to solve the problems of a spraying cat and the other issues we run into.

The Best Way to Select Cat Litter

Cats are our excellent friends, numerous girls and young adults adore maintaining cats as their business. Yet, as all of us know, cats want to are in a tidy and thoroughly clean place. They have a tendency to get fairly fastidious about its litter. So, it’s quite important to pick a superb cat litter bag or cat litter box for them.

Before you choose a cat litter for the family, first you need to fulfill the requirements and choices of the cats. After which, cat’s paws are exceptionally delicate, so hold this in mind if you select a type of litter. There are quite a few varieties to select from: typical clay, clumping clay, paper, wheat or corn flakes. Like every solution, you’ll find positive aspects and disadvantages. The following is undoubtedly an evaluation of each sort of cat litter. It is possible to choose them based on the following introductions.

Traditional Clay

It is the earliest sort showing up in cat litter industry. They have cheapest value, and its advantages and disadvantages are one and obvious. Most products have additives to produce it dust free. Some are scented. If you adjust the litter, all of it must remain disposed since the foil bag all over the place.

Clumping Clay

The clumps show up following classic clay, compare together with the traditional clay, they are far more convenient and of course they’re more costly than the very first type. The clumping clays are flushable, significantly less dusty and eco-friendly. Good at odor control and no need to adjust your entire litter box at once. Some supplies can become moldy. Clumping clay litter is incredibly well-liked due to the fact cats are likely to like its texture. Not less than by now, I think it is the preferred variety.


As quickly as we seek advice from paper, perhaps the papers which useful for creating and printing appear according to us. Most of them are hard and fragile. Could be you cannot imagine how it may be a sort of cat litter. But this kind of litter is very diverse in the one particular in our common perception. It can be a fantastic alternative to conventional and clumping clay litter. Paper is a little more expensive than classic clay, although the positive aspects make up to the price tag. It is softer within the paws, controls odor pretty effectively, is straightforward to take care of and it is a safe choice in case your cat would unintentionally ingest some. Paper litter arrives in several kinds, from shreds to pellets.

Wheat or Corn Flakes

Another excellent solution is litter made from wheat flakes these kinds of as corn. These flakes operate exactly the same way as clumping clay; nevertheless, they may be secure to the cat, biodegradable, consists of no dust (which is valuable for homeowners and cats with asthma and allergic reactions ), and is also much softer compared to the other choices. Although this kind of litter only happens during the unscented option, it offers wonderful odor manage.

There are a lot of exact same goods obtainable as of late, so you could devote much time and much more consideration on a litter’s the two advantages and price. But what I want to inform you is the fact that if you’ve a self-automated cleansing box, you could must receive a certain variety of litter. You must remember which the “right” cat litter is the one your cat is ready to use. Nevertheless, in the event the cat is keeping away from the litter box, make sure that the litter truly could be the culprit. Consider your cat to the spout pouch to eliminate health concerns.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

3 Best Automatic Cat Litter Box of 2022

As a cat owner, you have a cat litter box or two around the home for each of your felines. You may also realize that kitty will turn up its nose if those boxes do not meet the cleanliness standards of a fussy feline. If you do not want or have the time to be on litter box duty, you may consider providing an automatic cat litter box.

Here’s how an automatic cat litter box works. A sensor in the litter box notices when the cat enters. It also notices when the cat leaves. When he does exit, the automatic cat litter box goes to work, scraping his waste into a different compartment, where it sits in a bag and waits for you to collect it whenever you are good and ready. This is much like the coins were scooped into the bank where they sat until you wanted to buy a piece of candy. The beauty of this of course is that there is no need for you to worry about scooping the waste, and because it is scooped immediately, you won’t have to change the litter as often either.

As cat owners, we’re all for anything that will make caring for our pets easier. The automatic cat litter box simply means there is one less responsibility that we need to worry about. And since, like most people now we have really busy schedules, we certainly appreciate something that cuts down on our work time.

There are various automatic cat litter boxes that your cat will enjoy; one that is not only a clean option but one of privacy. Some of the best automatic litter box options includes the LitterMaid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Omega Paw, Inc. RA-4 Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Booda Dome Clean Step Litter box, Nickel. Learn about each and decide for yourself; which litter box would your kitty approve of?

Best Automatic Cat Litter Box 2022

1. Litter Maid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box:-

Choosing a self-cleaning litter box can give you such peace of mind, making your home looking and smelling fresh, despite how many cats are dwelling there. The Litter Maid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box is one of the best automatic litter box options and is stylish and functional at the same time, as a timed mechanism works to detect movement, shovel up the waste in a bag and seals it. The coal in the filter is activated to absorb moisture and destroy odors. This litter box can work automatically by movement of the cat or you can work it manually.

This very durable, strong litter box measures about 14″ wide by 17″ long and is designed for the feline over 15 lbs. This makes an excellent unit for the multi-cat home. The high side walls of the litter box has the advantage of preventing the scatter of litter on the floor around the unit. Other great features include a removable automatic rake that does the cleanup, a backup battery, removable litter tray, sealed waste receptacles, a paw cleaning ramp for that fussy kitty in the home and extra carbon filters.


As with any other litter box, the Litter Maid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box will need periodic thorough cleaning and maintenance but not as often as an ordinary litter box. It also holds 50 percent more litter than other similar units. These amazing features make this a great unit for busy people with long schedules, on vacation, the elderly, pregnant moms and those with minimal physical mobility.

Major cleaning and maintenance includes changing the litter and replacing the carbon filters in order to keep the Litter Maid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box working more efficiently. The in-between automatic cleanings do present some safety features for your cat. In in the midst of cleaning, your cat steps in the box, a security bar stops the process so your pet does not get injured and the machine does not get damaged.

The Litter Maid 980 Multi-Cat Self-Cleaning Litter Box has a great five star rating for efficiency, convenience and ease in maintenance, even with multiple cat homes. Follow simple directions for setting it up and your cat(s) will enjoy years of comfort in a clean, private environment.

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2. Omega Paw, Inc. RA-4 Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box :-

Choose the Omega Paw, Inc. RA-4 Self-Cleaning Litter Box for ease in maintenance and the comfort of your cat. This unit is available in two sizes to meet the needs and size of your cat or in use with a multiple cat home. The regular size of the unit is 17″ long by 20″ wide and 16.5″ high, while the large litter box is 23″ long by 19″ wide and 18.5″ high.

The Omega Paw, Inc. RA-4 Self-Cleaning Litter Box works best when using a clumping or silica litter. A type of screen or grill inside the unit scoops out the soiled litter of waste and places it in a pull-out tray. The way it works is to roll the litter box back and forth from top to bottom, returning it to an upright position at which time you can take out the lower tray and dispose of the cat’s waste. This is how this litter box got the name of Roll’n Clean. The screen or grill within the unit separates the soiled litter and waste from the clean for ease in collecting and tossing.


Some of the benefits of the Omega Paw, Inc. RA-4 Self-Cleaning Litter Box is that you save money on extra scoops, filters and liners. Because you only dispose of soiled litter, you save money on continually purchasing litter. The larger of the two sizes is perfect for the larger cat or for homes with multiple cats. This covered litter box is not only easy to clean and effectively use, it is attractive as well in a warm brown/taupe finish.

Not only convenient and attractive, your cat(s) will feel comfortable with the privacy attained by using this unit. Since it is a covered litter box, use and cleaning of the item will preventing that dusty mess that comes with other litter boxes.

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3. Booda Dome Clean Step Litter box :-

The Booda Dome Clean Step Litter box in Nickel’s design makes this unit not only easy to clean, but more sanitary as well since there are no seams for litter, waste and odor to get trapped, making it 99 percent odor-free. The special activated charcoal filter also helps in controlling and preventing the odor. This litter box is an average 50 percent larger than most other litter boxes. It measures 21-1/2″ in diameter by 19-1/2″ high, making this a great product for the larger felines or homes with multiple cats. It also presents a ramp that is 9″ wide and a litter pan that has a 6″ depth.

With its unique doomed design, your cat can scratch and dig to its heart’s content without fear of a dusty mess or litter being scattered and tracked throughout the home. As your pet is leaving the unit, after doing its business in perfect privacy, any excess litter is cleaned on the paw-cleaning ramp. A built-in handle on top also makes it easy for litter disposal and transport of the unit.

The Booda Dome Clean Step Litter box in Nickel unit boasts the ease of a litter-free home and comes in a titanium nickel color to add a little zest and style to your home. No one would ever know it is a litter box! Your cat’s will, however, love their privacy and you will love it’s cleanliness and odor-free aspects. Clean up is easy by removing the top of the unit. How often you have to clean out the litter depends on the type of litter you use; consider Fresh Step crystal litter and you may only have to clean out the unit twice monthly although daily maintenance to scoop out and dispose of waste is advised.

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Best Odor Control Cat Litter That Really Works in 2022

If you are a cat lover like I am, choosing the right litter for your pet is very important. There are many different brands of litter on the market today but they are not all the same. You don’t want to get stuck with a smelly house because you got the wrong litter. Choosing a litter with the proper odor control is vital to having a good smelling home and a happy cat. I have had cats for a long time and over the years I have tried many different kinds of cat litter. Below is a list of the ones that I found the best cat litter for odor control. I have 5 cats in the home and trust me if these brands can handle that many animals under one roof, it’s a safe bet that it will do the same for you.

Best Cat Litter for Odor Control

1. Arm & Hammer Double Duty Cat Litter is one of the best cat litter for odor control on the market. This litter is 99% dust free and really gets the job done. I love this litter because it clumps really well and don’t make a mess like some litters do. This litter works in two ways destroy both urine and feces smell.

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2. Cat’s Pride Fresh & Light is another litter brand that I use regularly. The price for this litter is much cheaper than most brands but that doesn’t mean it work any less. The great thing about this litter besides the price is its 40% lighter than the leading brands which make cleaning the litter box much easier. It also last on average 3 times longer than most litters I have used. This is the litter I am currently using at the moment.

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3. Tidy Cats Breathe Easy cat litter although fairly new on the market it has proven to me that it can really lock in those odors. I have used it on several occasions and it works really well at keeping the house smelling good. The secret to this cat litter is the antimicrobial particles they have placed inside the litter itself which helps eat the bad bacteria that causes odor in the first place.

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4. Tidy Cats Glad Tough Odor Solutions is another Tidy Cats brand that I use. The reason I am listing two different cat litters from same company is that I find both to work really well and this company has been in the business for years so they know cat litter. This litter is simply amazing and has a clear spring scent added to help reduce odor. This litter even helps eliminate other odors in the home as well and I have found it to be one of the best cat litter for odor control.

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5. Fresh Step Extreme Unscented odor control, don’t let the name fool you. Just because it is an unscented cat litter, doesn’t mean that it can’t control odor. This litter works wonders for odor control and clumps really nicely. Like some other litters on the market uses bacterial inhibitors to control foul odors and destroys them before they become airborne.

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Best Dust Free Cat Litter 2022

If you have a cat, you are probably aware of the many approaches to maintaining a litter box. The one reason you are willing to tolerate the stinky, messy litter pan is because you love your cat and want to provide the best environment for it, and the humans who belong to it. If you are able to provide for your cat, both you and your cat will be happier.

Your cat’s litter box can pose a variety of problems for you and your cat. One serious problem is the dust many types of clay based cat litters create. Some cats develop breathing problems, and the condition is exacerbated by the silica dust stirred up as he uses the litter box. In addition to the problem with air borne dust, this type of litter is easily tracked from the litter box to other areas of your home. An additional problem resulting from dusty litter is the film that settles on your furniture and floors.

The most popular dust free cat litter available is Feline Pine . While this litter is not flushable, it does work very well at absorbing the odor of urine and feces. Feline Pine is made of 100 percent pine scrap lumber, and the natural pine scent is pleasant and provides natural odor reduction. The litter comes in two varieties; the original that is composed of small pine pellets, and a scoopable version. Both types are long lasting, dust free and the used litter is easy to dispose of. The packages are reasonably priced and available at pet stores in a four pound bag priced at approximately $6.00. Several larger sizes are available up to forty pounds for a little less than $20.00. If you have only one cat, the smaller size easily lasts for a month or more.

A product called “Perfect Litter” combines several characteristics that would seem to make it truly “the perfect cat litter.” Not only does the litter clump very quickly, but it is also dust free and flushable. The litter is not clay based and includes naturally occurring minerals that act as an alert for high alkalinity in the urine of your cat. This alert is an early warning for feline lower urinary tract disorder, and is highly recommended by veterinarians. Perfect Litter is a perfect example of a dust free cat litter that destroys odors. If you want to check whether this cat litter works or not, you can get its one month free trial by paying its shipping charges only. Now both you and your cat can live happily and healthily.

How to Litter Train Kittens in 2022 - Top 5 Methods Revealed

Inviting those fluffy, lovable balls of fur into your home is enthralling for the entire family. Your children are so excited to finally have pets, and your new friend reminds you of your childhood cat. Your cat is sure to be showered with love and affection, but you’ll also need to train Fluffy how to use the litter box. Fortunately, litter training kittens does not have to be an incredibly difficult challenge.


How to Litter Train Kittens - Top 5 Methods Explained

1. The Age of The Kittens

Before you can start litter training kittens, you must consider how old they are. Very young cats, first of all, should not be away from their mothers. Until the kittens are old enough, you may allow them to eliminate on newspaper. This is also safer for them. Getting into a litter box requires that they are able to climb. If they are just learning how to walk, climbing may be a feat that they are not yet able to accomplish. Speak to your vet about the right age for your kittens.

2. Selecting The Right Litter

Picking out the perfect litter for your kittens is a major part of the process, and you want to ensure that you are getting the best type. If your kitten has certain conditions, then you may need to buy a specific type of litter that addresses his or her health. You also want to make sure you are purchasing litter from a reputable store or entity to ensure that it is safe for your precious little furballs of love.

3. The Correct Amount of Litter Boxes

Perhaps you have welcomed more than one kitten into your house, or maybe you adding a kitten into a household that already has cats. You need to ensure that you have the proper number of litter boxes for your situation. You should have a separate litter box for each cat. This will help with the litter training kittens. If the cats do not have their own little boxes to go to, they might be more inclined to go in other areas of your house, so it is best to give each kitten the privacy he or she needs.

4. Introducing The Litter Box

Fortunately, kittens often have a natural inclination to go in the litter box. In some cases, they do not even need to be trained. As they grow older, they will find the litter box for themselves, and they will eliminate in it. However, you can help to give them a start with it. Bring your kitten over to the litter box and softly pad his or her front paws in it. You should always use gentle movements to show your kitten that this is not a place of fear.

5. When Troubles Arise

You need to remember that kittens are not like puppies. You are not going to entice them with treats or train them in a crate. Cats have their own personalities, so you will need to keep trying. You can test out different brands of litter, but try not to constantly change the brand. Your kitten could get confused. Try to determine why your kitten might be going to the bathroom outside of the box. For example, he or she might be disturbed by some changes in the house. Of course, you always want to be on the lookout for health problems, so be sure that you speak with your vet if you suspect that something else might be happening.

Kittens are truly a joy because they are adorable little balls of love, and they will love you right back. Following these suggestions can help to make litter training kittens and your relationship even more amicable. We hope this "How to litter train kittens" article helped you somehow!!!

Why Pine Cat Litter Is Better Than Clay

Pine cat litter makes a great alternative to the clay cat litter that is currently the most popular on the market.

That’s because clay bring with it a number of problems that cat owners, if they were aware of the problems, would make every effort to steer clear of. Surely you’ve seen the dust that clay cat litter puts out. But did you know cats can develop problems if they inhale this dust? Pine cat litter has no dust, and has a number of other benefits that clay simply cannot provide. That’s why we always recommend pine.

You’re no doubt aware that cat urine has a very strong and foul ammonia like odor. Clay cat litter simply soaks up this urine. What happens next is that the absorption makes the strong ammonia smell a part of the clay. And unless your clay has a very strong anti-odor ingredient, the smell actually gets stronger rather than being masked. That’s why many people can tell you have a cat the minute they walk in your door, and that’s not good.


Pine cat litter obviously provided a fresh pine scent, but it also does not absorb the odor, so the smell will not increase like it does with clay cat litter. It is also biodegradable, and the waste degrades with the pine pellets. The unusual reaction drops off the pellets and will land at the bottom of the litter box. This is good because the stink drops down with it.

The end result is not only reduced odor, but an easier to clean litter box. All you do is scoop and flush the solid waste. And don’t worry about pine cat litter plugging up your commode, it won’t. And the litter will eventually degrade into something similar to dust. This means it can also be simply thrown out into the yard or flushed down the toilet.

If you own a cat you can clearly see how pine cat litter is different, and why it would be a smart decision for your home. If you’ve never tried it, we highly recommend you do so. Your cat, and your friends and family, will appreciate the difference. As will you.

Best Pine Cat Litter 2022

Feline Pine Cat Litter (20 lbs.) :- This Chemical-free Cat Litter and Pure and Natural Kitty Litter is Available Now Online. Feline Pine Cat Litter is the most effective cat litter you can buy! It’s so effective you only need one inch. Developed with the safety and comfort of your precious kitties in mind, this 100% natural cat litter effectively destroys odors without the use of perfumes, additives or artificial fragrances. This special pine litter is kiln-dried before processing and compressed into clean, sterile pellets that are 100% pure and natural, making it safe for cats and kittens of all breeds.

In addition, this pure pine litter naturally destroys odors, which helps to keep your cat’s litter box area more comfortable for your precious kitties to relieve themselves. Boasting a chemical-free formula, this unique pine litter is environmentally compatible. Developed as a non-tracking formula, this litter is virtually dust-free, making it healthier for you and your favorite feline friends. So healthy it’s even recommended for kittens and post-surgical cats.

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Best Cat Litter Mat in 2022- Top 4 Reviewed

Finding the best cat litter mat can pose a challenge for cat owners. There are many types of cat litter mats available, and each one has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Ideally, you’ll choose a mat that’s comfortable and sanitary for your cat while also managing to keep your cat’s paws clean of dirty litter as he exits his box. Finding stray pieces of litter throughout the home is never okay, which is why purchasing the best litter mat for your pet can save you a lot of time and frustration.

Cats are clean animals, but they can also be messy, especially around the litter box. Best cat litter mat can save you from cleaning up a lot of mess. And any mess that is made is contained and easy to deal with as long as you are using a mat.

When your cat goes to bury his waste, or when he exits the litter box, extra litter tends to either spill off his feet or get kicked out, leaving you with the task of sweeping or vacuuming it all up. And you’ll be doing this a lot more often than you would like. A cat litter mat will help catch all or at least most of this excess litter. It may not eliminate the problem, but it will certainly reduce the mess and your workload. And we all appreciate the things that make life a little easier.

Your best bet is to get a cat litter mat that has deep ridges. You want the mat to be large enough that it will go all the way across the area where your cat exits and enters the litter box with a little extra to all sides. If you use a box where a cat can go in from any direction, such as those that don’t have a cover, it’s not a bad idea to place a mat on every side. This will naturally keep the space around the box more clean. A tented or hooded box works best though. With this you control where he goes into or comes out of the box. And by doing this you’ll make your cat litter mat even more effective.

We understand that nobody wants to see a big mess around the litter box or tray. A cat litter mat will help reduce the mess and make the clean up a breeze. We highly recommend you look into purchasing one, either from the selection we have below or from your local pet store.

Detailed Review of Best Cat Litter Mate 2022

Let’s take a look at some of the best cat litter mat options and their unique features.

1. The PetFusion SmartGrip Cat Litter Mat is a stylish and modern cat litter mat with a large surface area that’s perfect for keeping litter off of the surrounding floor. Soft and flexible, it allows for easy cleaning and sweeping by use of a damp sponge or vacuum. This cat litter mat is uniquely designed with an outer groove that immediately catches fallen litter. It’s impressively durable and flexible, allowing you to place it anywhere you want, even in the smallest spaces and closets.

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2. Stable and durable, The Blackhole Cat Litter Mat got its name from its innovative ability to capture litter and keep it out of sight. It accomplishes this with an indented upper layer that captures litter and a solid lower layer that keeps it from falling onto the floor. With its ultra comfortable rubber foam material, your cats will instantly take to their new litter mat. Because it weighs only two pounds, you can easily move it from place to place, and clean-up is fast and easy. Its large size makes it suitable for homes with more than one pet. It is one of the best litter mat options.

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3. Petmate’s Litter Catcher Mat features specifically designed perforations and grooves that successfully work to keep litter off of your cat’s paws. Its unique anti-slip rubber material allows your cat to comfortably use his litter box while the mat successfully maintains a secure grip on the floor at all times. This means less litter scatter and easy clean-up. Simply roll it up, take it outside, and give it a quick shake. It can also be vacuumed. Petmate’s Litter Catcher Mat also works alongside your litter product to effectively trap and eliminate odors.


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4. PETCO Litter Box Mat Cleans litter from paws as your cat walks. Perfect forany size litter box. A Drymate waterproof product with Zorb-Tech Anti-Flow Absorbency to stop spills from migrating. Machine washable and dryable. Paw print design

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Cat Litter Tray Training – A Simple Method To Use

Cat litter tray training is probably the first thing you will want to do when you bring home a new kitten. There’s a good reason for this. No one wants to spend time cleaning up cat waste. It’s very difficult to remove the odor from clothing and carpets. Therefor you want results and you want them now if not sooner. While the process may be frustrating at times it’s also very simple, and if you do it right you will get results quickly. Then you can spend time enjoying your new cat instead of cleaning up after it.


Here’s the way we recommend you go about it.

1. Once you arrive home with your new kitten, the first step in cat litter tray training is to keep your pet in a relatively small area of your home. If you have a utility room, use it. A bathroom will also work if needed. Cats are naturally clean animals. Their instinct is to bury any waste. By placing him in a confined area with a litter tray, most kittens will start to use it immediately.

2. Every time your new pet eats his food, take him and put him in the litter tray. It also helps to take his paw and lightly scratch the litter with it. All you are doing is signaling to your kitten what you want in the cat litter tray. Without doing this, he may not understand what is expected of him. This will let him know.

3. Also, keep an eye on your kitten for a while when he is not confined. If you happen to see him scratching the ground, digging, or sniffing someplace else in the room, stop him by picking him up. Then set him in the cat litter tray. This will encourage him to finish the job in there. And be sure to repeat the scratching of the litter with his paw like you did after he ate. Again, this lets him know what is expected.

4. Really that’s all there is to it. Cat litter tray training is not that hard and quite frankly, most kittens will learn very quickly on their own. Especially if the litter box is the only place around he can bury his waste. You will still need some patience and persistence. They don’t often come home already trained. However if you are persistent and follow through with the method we’ve described, your pet will be using the cat litter tray on his own very quickly.

The Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box – Well Worth The Investment

A self cleaning cat litter box basically takes care of a cat owner’s most dreaded chore, cleaning the box.

Some people find it hard to remember to clean out the cat litter box every day. Life is simply too busy. Others just hate the task and put it off as long as they can. That’s why a self cleaning cat litter box, while certainly not cheap, is in many cases a great investment. Basically you can put off the despised chore for a little while longer.

So how does a self cleaning cat litter box work? At first glance you can see that it is somewhat different than the standard litter box. The walls are generally taller and there is extra trim as well. Small differences that hide what makes this box so special. As your cat enters his litter box, a motion detector sets off a timer. The just minutes after your cat is done, a mechanical rake will run through the litter and simply pull and waste and clumps into a tray for easy disposal. Your job is simply to change out this tray, usually only one time a week. You’ll also need to put in some more litter once every few days. See how much easier that is than what your are currently doing.

A self cleaning litter box is especially good if you own more than one cat. By reducing your workload, you can spend more time enjoying your pets and less time cleaning up after them. The only requirement is an electrical outlet nearby because these litter boxes run off of electricity. Besides that, there is almost no setup required. It comes out of the box and ready for use. A nice extra is a hood or tent that can be purchased to go over the top. This helps reduce the mess that gets kicked out when your cat kicks to bury his waste.

Obviously a self cleaning cat litter box is a luxury. Certainly it’s not necessary and it is also not cheap. You can expect to spend between $100-$180 dollars. But for the reduced workload many cat owners see it as worth every penny. No longer will you be spending time daily scooping the box, you can spend your on more productive things, like enjoying your pets.

Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box 2022

1. Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box

At just over $35.00 with free shipping on, the Omega Paw self-cleaning litter box is the biggest deal. Unlike other self-cleaning litter boxes, Omega Paw is not automated. Instead it sifts dirty litter away from clean litter as you roll the box upside down to the right, depositing the kitty clumps into an easy to remove disposal drawer. This process makes the cat-lovers most loathed job of scooping much easier, but unlike an automated box you still have to tend to it as frequently as a normal kitty box. There are, however, a lot of advantages to using this self-cleaning litter box over an automated one, including no noise, no complications with automated cleaning rake, and no need to charge or refill batteries.


Customers also report using the Omega Paw lowers their litter bills, as the system requires fewer refills than a normal box and keep odor under control. What is also nice is that cat owners have options for what sort of litter they can use, great for finicky cats or pet owners who prefer the organic corn or wheat litters, which is not the case with automatic self cleaning litter boxes. The simple mechanics and foolproof design make Omega Paw one of the best options for kitty waste removal.

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2. ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box

If you have a little bit of extra cash to spend on Fluffy’s facilities, ScoopFree Ultra, available for $140.00 on, may be the perfect self-cleaning cat litter box. This sleek cat-box with a space-age design rakes litter for you, so you can leave it alone for weeks at a time without ever seeing the waste. ScoopFree uses pre-filled disposable litter cartridges filled with odor eliminating crystal litter, which can be a bit pricey at close to $50.00 for three, but they also give the option of purchasing a permanent litter tray and litter separately, a more economical option with a one time payment of $40.00 for the tray, and refillable crystal litter only $14.95.


The biggest complaint about the ScoopFree litter system is the disposable cartridges, as apparently the bottom of the disposable cartridges is cardboard, and if waste leaks through causes a terrible smell which one customer described as “someone peed in a leather boot, filled it with oatmeal, and then microwaved it for 15 minutes.” Purchasing the permanent litter tray eliminates these problems, and customers with ScoopFree and permanent litter tray are very satisfied with both products together.

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3. LitterMaid LM900 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box

You may think you would be living a dream to have someone scooping your litter box, but for about 95.00 on you can have a maid just for that. LitterMaid LM900 is an automated self-cleaning litter box. A dream come true for busy cat owners and those who hate the smell of bathrooms. With a large size, this self-cleaning cat-box is ideal for households with multiple cats. You can either plug it into the wall or operate with batteries. But like the noisy maid who’s upset about the size of her Holiday bonus. LitterMaid LM900 does come with some problems. It automatically rakes the litter 10 minutes after use, which is nice for having a consistently clean litter box resembling a Zen garden, but is not always enough time for litter to clump.


The lack of clump sometimes breaks the scooping rake. LitterMaid does, however, provide their own brand of litter, reported to work very well with the machine. The litter is a little pricier than other brands, but doesn’t cause problems with the rake. Also, it is a little bit noisy, so it may be a wise choice to keep the box away from bedrooms or anywhere someone may be napping.

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4. LitterMaid LME9000 Elite Mega Advanced Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box

The lengthy title may be all you are paying for with LitterMaids LME9000 model of self-cleaning cat litter boxes. At just over $100.00 on, cat-loving customers shouldn’t expect to spend more time disassembling and cleaning the machine than their cats spend alleviating their bladders every day. The disposable bins that attach to the machines are reported to be ill fit, resulting in spillage of litter under the machine. Additionally ill fitting is the lid to the cat box, causing a raucous as the cat enters and exits and doing a poor job containing the smell. The machine states to have an “Ionic breeze” feature, supposed to eliminate smell, which may be more aptly named “ironic breeze” as it does not eliminate the bothersome smells of the litter box.


While the motor sounds like what one customer called “An Earth moving machine,” it is reported to fail pushing the kitty poo into the provided receptacle, and the design makes it unfeasible to clean the litter from the back of the box. Some customers report their cats are afraid of the noise it creates and refuse to use the box at all. Most customers found the cat-provided contents of the box worth more than the machine itself.

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